JJ's Down Jamaica Way

JJ's Down Jamaica Way
Reggae Reviews


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jah Jah Send The Parson - Black Oney

I had thought after searching the JA45.com database that the mysterious singer Black Oney was in fact a pseudonym for singer Raphael Stewart, but this turns out to be untrue, as Raphael Stewart was a.k.a King Oney (so named for only having one hand) whereas Black Oney was so named, for only having one eye!

Anyway putting all disabilities aside, we can rest assured that the artist Black Oney cut Jah Jah Send The Parson (Rasta Move) in 1975 for producer Lloydie Slim & is only known to have recorded one other tune, on the same riddim as JJSTP - 'Festival 75' which was also released on the Record Smith label & was also produced by Lloydie Slim.

As mentioned by another fan of this killer tune, it has a kind of 'sing song' quality, much like an old sea shanty or nursury rhyme.

Jah Jah Send The Parson To Nineveh Land
To The Waters Big & Wide
Parson Kinda Hungry & He Didn't Want To Come
Throw Him Overboard & Let The Ship Roll On

Rasta Move, Upon The Wind & Storm
To Trouble Every Baldhead Man

Go Away Mr Parson From Whence You Came
To Waters Big & Wide
All The Trouble Is because Of you
Throw Him Overboard & Let The Ship Roll On

Rasta Move Upon The Wind & Storm
To Trouble Every Baldhead Man

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